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Truck COI (certificate of inspection)

Truck COI Brisbane

If the vehicle complies in all of these areas in accordance with the Queensland Transport’s Code of Practice standards the Safety Certificate/ Roadworthy will be issued by the inspector.

What to do if I have a defect and it doesn’t pass on the first inspection?

Queensland Transport allows you 14 days from the first inspection date to have the defects repaired. Once the repairs are completed, call us and we will come and complete the second inspection. If the repairs are completed to the Code of Practice then the Safety Certificate will be issued.

The COI covers:

  • Identification
  • Seats and Retraints
  • Windscreens and Windows
  • Steering and Suspension
  • Brakes
  • Exhaust Emissions
  • Hand Brake Test
  • Modifications
  • Lights and Electrical Components
  • Body and Chassis
  • Wheels and Tyres
  • Engine and Drive Lines
  • Service Brake Test
  • Road Test

Over 4.5 tonne up to and including 16 tonne

Unregistered Heavy Vehicles over 16 tonne

Transport defect sign offs

Heavy Vehicle Inspections

Roadworthy Solutions supply safety certificates for: 

How often do you need to have a COI? 

Heavy vehicles are required to have a valid Certificate of Inspection every 12 months. Queensland Transport and Main Roads will send a reminder notice approx. 12 weeks prior.

 The Certificates of Inspections are a time sensitive Certificate. Please see the guidelines below. 

  • If the heavy vehicle is inspected up to 1 month before the current Certificate Expires, the new Certificate will not be allocated to the vehicle until the previous Certificate of Inspection expires.
  • If the heavy vehicle is inspected more than a month before the current Certificate of Inspection expires then the new Certificates Inspection date will become the valid certificate date.

If you are unable to complete the inspection in the time required and it expires, you will need to contact the Department of Transport and Main Roads to apply for an extension of time. 














Copyright      2016 Roadworthy Solutions Pty Ltd

Roadworthy Solutions have fully qualified Inspectors for all trucks. When your truck is over 4.5 tonne by law you are required to obtain a certificate of inspection or truck COI yearly. This is to ensure your truck is applies to the safety standard of Queensland Transport.

You are required to obtain a COI when your registration is up for renewal or if the truck is unregistered.